Chocolate Bouquet

Chocolate Bouquet Delivery Cebu | Cebuflorist

Looking to surprise someone in Cebu? Our Chocolate Bouquet Delivery in Cebu offers a delightful twist on traditional gifts. Handcrafted with premium chocolates, our bouquets are perfect for any occasion. Order now for a sweet surprise!

$56.95 (3,190.48)
chocolate delivery to philippines
Save 16%
$92.95 (5,207.28) $77.95 (4,366.95)
Save 17%
$92.95 (5,207.28) $76.95 (4,310.92)
Save 13%
$82.95 (4,647.06) $71.95 (4,030.81)
16 Pcs Ferrero Chocolate in a Bouquet
Save 35%
$82.95 (4,647.06) $53.95 (3,022.41)
2 Dozen Ferrero Rocher in Hand Bouquet
Save 38%
$95.95 (5,375.35) $59.95 (3,358.54)
24 Pcs. Ferrero Chocolate in Hand Bouquet
Save 33%
$88.95 (4,983.19) $59.95 (3,358.54)
12 Pcs. of Ferrero Rocher Chocolate in Bouquet
Save 36%
$74.95 (4,198.88) $47.95 (2,686.27)
16 Ferrero Rocher in Hand Bouquet
Save 34%
$82.95 (4,647.06) $54.95 (3,078.43)
12 Ferrero Chocolates Bouquet
Save 24%
$64.00 (3,585.43) $48.95 (2,742.30)